Labor & Employment

MDM Legal, PLLC represents public and private employers and employees related to the labor and employment matters listed below. Learn more about our detailed services for employers and employees below.

MDM Legal, pllc is experienced in drafting Affirmative Action Program documents under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act (VEVRAA), and Executive Order 11246. For our public and private employer clients we review the circumstances necessitating such a plan, request and gather the required documents and information to draft the plan, and work tediously and accurately to ensure the final product meets the requirements of the federal regulations as outlined by the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP), and provide guidance and counsel on the action items required to maintain compliance. We are prepared to assist you with creating or updating your Affirmative Action Program documents.

Each day brings new challenges for our clients. We pride ourselves on being responsive to our clients when they reach out. Our firm offers advice and counsel to ensure our clients comply with applicable labor and employment laws and regulations. We regularly advise our clients concerning discipline, termination, requirements under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), responses to requests for reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and responses to requests for leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and calculation of such leave. In addition, we regularly interpret collective bargaining agreements to respond to employee requests or to advise our clients on procedures outlined in such agreements. Give our team a call to discuss how we can assist you with your daily challenges and concerns.

MDM Legal, pllc is experienced in defending claims of discrimination filed against public and private employers by applicants, current employees, and former employees. We are well-versed in the areas of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and other related federal, state, and local anti-discrimination and harassment laws. We are adept at drafting detailed, but concise, position statements, responses to lawsuits, and responses to demand letters on behalf of our clients. Our team is prepared to represent your interests and defend claims filed against your organization.

Next to having knowledgeable staff, the cornerstone of any organization is an employee handbook, manual, or personnel policies that clearly communicate the organization’s expectations of their employees and what the employees can expect from their employer. MDM Legal, pllc is experienced in drafting and updating employment handbooks, policies, manuals, contracts, offer letters, and other employment documents that clearly establish the expectations of employees and employers. Contact our team today for a consultation to discuss creating or updating your employment policies and procedures.

MDM Legal, pllc believes, and many courts have ruled that the best tool to prevent incidents of workplace discrimination, harassment, and other violations of federal, state, and local employment laws is to properly train managers, supervisors, and employees on the policies and procedures that govern the workplace. Those policies and procedures should include the employer’s commitment to a workplace environment free of discriminating and harassing behavior. In addition, one of an employer’s strongest defenses against such claims is to show that managers, supervisors, and employees were properly trained and understand the employer’s workplace rules, policies, and procedures. Our team has over fifteen (15)  years of experience training audiences of varying sizes. We have created and facilitated single-day and multi-day training plans. Let us know your training needs, and how we can help you protect your organization.

When an employer is served with a Writ of Garnishment from a creditor attempting to garnish its employees’ wages, a timely and accurate response is required to be filed with the court. MDM Legal, pllc is experienced with assisting public and private employers in responding to Writs of Garnishment filed by creditors against their employees. Reach out to our team if you need assistance with a wage garnishment against an employee.

MDM Legal, pllc is experienced in conducting workplace investigations related to complaints of discrimination, harassment, retaliation, and whistleblower conduct. In addition, we often are requested to conduct workplace investigations when employees have been alleged to violate workplace rules, policies, or procedures, including but not limited to, workplace bullying, drug or alcohol use while working, or violating the organization’s technology or computer-use policies.

In responding to the complaints outlined above, prompt attention is key to minimizing the organization’s legal risk. One of the most effective ways to minimize the legal risk is to have a neutral third party, like MDM Legal, pllc, conduct a workplace investigation. Our team is prepared to meet your investigation needs. Once our investigation is complete, our team will prepare a written investigative report that outlines the facts and provides recommendations.

MDM Legal, pllc represents employees who have been subjected to adverse employment actions, including but not limited to, termination (known as wrongful termination), demotion, denial of a promotion, suspension, or decrease in pay, arising from or because of their race, ethnicity, disability, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law. If you believe you have been subjected to an adverse employment action based on one of the characteristics outlined above, contact our team for help. Complete the form below or book a consultation today.

When employees complain about discrimination, harassment, employer violation of other laws, or participate in an investigation of discrimination, harassment, or an investigation of the employer for violating other laws, the employer is prohibited from harassing, disciplining, terminating (known as wrongful termination), demoting, refusing to promote, or engaging in any other adverse action because the employee exercised their rights under federal, state, or local law. By complaining of any of the conduct outlined above or participating in the investigation based on the conduct outlined above, MDM Legal is experienced in assisting employees who have been retaliated against and are prepared to assist you. Complete the form below or book a consultation for help.

Under federal, state, and local law all workers are due payment for work performed on behalf of their employer. As a Florida hourly employee, you are entitled the Florida minimum wage for each hour worked. In addition, you are entitled to overtime payments for any hours worked over forty (40) in a workweek, including the time spent waiting to clock in, working at home, being on call, or working during meal breaks. If you believe you have not been accurately paid, reach out to our team for help by completing the form below or booking a consultation.

Employment contracts govern current and may also govern future conduct after the employment relationship has ended. As a result, employment contracts have the ability to affect an employee’s long-term work and earning potential. Before signing any employment contract, you should consult an attorney. MDM Legal, pllc is equipped and skilled at reviewing various employment contracts including, offer letters, non-compete agreements, separation and severance agreements, non-disclosure, and non-solicitation agreements. For help from our trusted team, please complete the form below or book a consultation.

Employees who report employer violations of federal, state, or local law are protected from retaliation or harassment by their employers. Employees who “blow the whistle” are also protected from being unfairly terminated (known as wrongful termination) for being forced to quit. The law is very clear on the actions employees must take to be protected.  Contact our team to discuss your case and how we can help.

Florida employees who are terminated may be eligible for unemployment compensation, now known as re-employment assistance benefits, if they meet the requirements outlined below:

- Employees who were terminated, without fault, from their jobs.
- You have earned gross wages of at least $3,400 during the first four quarters of the previous five completed quarters prior to filing your claim.
- You must be totally or partially unemployed. Partial unemployment refers to individuals whose hours were reduced or part-time workers unable to find additional work.
- You must be able and available for employment and actively seeking work while receiving unemployment benefits.

If you met these requirements, but were denied your re-employment assistance benefits, or if you were granted benefits and your employer is appealing, reach out to us for help by using the form below or booking a consultation.

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